Working with MLIR

January 23, 2023

Random tips on working with the MLIR (LLVM) (and, possibly, other large C++ codebases). These are in no particular order1. Skim (don’t peruse) and come back and use ctrl+f.


CMake is annoying/complicated/widely used (and LLVM’s CMake patterns are triply so). Enough said. This is just a 5s intro (there are tutorials but who wants to be a CMake expert 🤷).


Standard (LLVM) flow:

\$ pwd
\$ git fetch --all && git pull
\$ mkdir build && cd build
\$ cmake .. [CMAKE BUILD ARGS] 
\$ ninja all 

Note that .. is not an ellipsis (it’s the parent directory shell shortcut/expansion/thing).

Note that the root CMakeLists.txt for llvm project is actually llvm-project/llvm/CMakeLists.txt, not llvm-project/CMakeLists.txt2.


To declare/define a variable that can be passed in from CLI (i.e., when configuring):

set(MY_VARIABLE "option_value" CACHE STRING "Some user-specified option")


cmake -DMY_VARIABLE=option_value2 ...

will make that variable available; e.g.,

message(STATUS "my variable value is ${MY_VARIABLE}")

Useful/necessary defines for llvm

-DPython3_ROOT_DIR="$(which python)/../../"

This first two flags/options are standard CMake and might be optional; in particular -DPython3_ROOT_DIR=... - I might be doing things wrong that Python_FIND_VIRTUALENV never seems to work for me but 🤷. The second two are LLVM project CMake options and (obviously) necessary if you want to work with MLIR and the MLIR Python bindings. LLVM has a lot of CMake options; be aware but don’t get distracted.


There are probably better ways to do this (see here) but a quick/dirty way is “printf” debugging:

message(FATAL_ERROR ${variable you want to print})

If you’re having trouble with changes to your configuration not taking effect, blow away your build/CMakeCache.txt or the the whole build directory - the latter being quite expensive (a full rebuild being a consequence/repercussion) but the wait is worth the sanity preserved.


Use LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT=ldlog LD_DEBUG=all LD_BIND_NOT=1 to track down linker errors

This will dump (to ldlog.<PID>) all of the symbol resolution that the linker performs at runtime.

In general, a quick scan of man is useful for being aware of possible flags to pass to the runtime linker/loader.

Along the same lines (linker errors), use nm -gDC to figure out which symbols are present in a shared object:

nm -gDC | grep -C10 SuccessorRange


0000000000220340 T llvm::WithColor::WithColor(llvm::raw_ostream&, llvm::HighlightColor, llvm::ColorMode)
00000000002209b0 T llvm::WithColor::~WithColor()
00000000002209b0 T llvm::WithColor::~WithColor()
00000000001d1620 T llvm::write_hex(llvm::raw_ostream&, unsigned long, llvm::HexPrintStyle, std::optional<unsigned long>)
                 U mlir::SuccessorRange::SuccessorRange(mlir::Operation*)

T means is present/defined/accessible from the .so itself while U means the symbol is undefined (and must be sought elsewhere by the runtime linker/loader). Again man nm is useful for a listing of the definitions of other possible labels.


Use c++filt to demangle symbol names

Names in symbol tables in objects/binaries/whatever are “name mangled”; something like _ZN4mlir14SuccessorRangeC1EPNS_9OperationE will appear in a symbol table and can be “demangled”:

$ c++filt _ZN4mlir14SuccessorRangeC1EPNS_9OperationE


Fixing undefined symbol: _ZN4mlir14...

If you’re getting an undefined symbol error (at runtime or compile time), make sure you’ve linked the right MLIR (or LLVM) targets/libraries. For example, I kept getting (through python bindings…)

ImportError: /home/mlevental/dev_projects/SharkPy/pi/ undefined symbol: _ZN4mlir14SuccessorRangeC1EPNS_9OperationE

This function is defined at mlir/lib/IR/Block.cpp#L323, which is included in the MLIRIR target/library, specified by the sibling/adjacent CMakeList.txt. Adding that dependency

target_link_libraries(_mlir PRIVATE LLVMSupport MLIRIR)

in my CMakeLists.txt fixed my problem.

Fixing missing typeinfo for mlir::python::PyOperation

This is a particular case of undefined symbol: undefined symbol: _ZTIN4mlir6python11PyOperationE
c++filt _ZTIN4mlir6python11PyOperationE
typeinfo for mlir::python::PyOperation

This is about Runtime type information (RTTI), which pybind11 uses to magically cast/infer things about types passed around:

      [](PyOperation &self, std::function<void(MlirOperation)> callback) {
        unwrap(self.get())->walk([&callback](Operation *op) {

which takes PyOperation &self as an argument, which is defined in mlir/lib/Bindings/Python/IRModule.h and bound to the Python ir.Operation class ir.Operation in mlir/lib/Bindings/Python/IRCore.cpp. The “typeinfo” (in the C++ RTTI sense) isn’t exported as a symbol by the stock MLIR Python bindings:

$ nm -gDC | grep typeinfo | grep PyOperation

but is needed by extensions that might wish to avail themselves of that code:

$ nm -gDC | grep typeinfo | grep PyOperation
    U typeinfo for mlir::python::PyOperation

The solution is to annotate PyOperation with __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))):

class PYBIND11_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) PyOperation {

Note that pybind11 already has such a macro:

#define PYBIND11_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))

Once you do this, and recompile, you see all of the “typeinfo”:

$ nm -gDC | grep typeinfo | grep PyOperation
000000000036c4e8 V typeinfo for mlir::python::PyOperation
0000000000260bf0 V typeinfo name for mlir::python::PyOperation

But that’s not enough; The symbol is there in the symbol table:

$ readelf -s -W -C | grep typeinfo | grep PyOperation
687: 000000000036c4e8    56 OBJECT  WEAK   DEFAULT   23 typeinfo for mlir::python::PyOperation
635: 0000000000260bf0    28 OBJECT  WEAK   DEFAULT   16 typeinfo name for mlir::python::PyOperation

but it’s a WEAK symbol (the V in the nm ouput stands for “vague”). For whatever reason, vague/weak symbols3 aren’t visible by default when a C extension is loaded, which by default is under the RTLD_LOCAL method (see man dlopen). The solution is to load the extension using RTLD_GLOBAL:

def dl_open_guard():
    old_flags = sys.getdlopenflags()
    sys.setdlopenflags(old_flags | ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)

with dl_open_guard():
    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
    from loopy.loopy_mlir._mlir_libs import _mlir

Fixing missing __ZTVN4mlir4PassE i.e. typeinfo for mlir::Pass

This is also about RTTI but in a different way because while the Python extensions in MLIR are compiled with RTTI (in order to support pybind11), the rest of MLIR is not (by default). Thus if you see this, it means you’re compiling something which then links against MLIR libs and expects them to have typeinfo, which they will not. The solution is to compile your thing without RTTI as well; add this to you CMakeLists.txt:

    if (MSVC)
    else ()
        string(REGEX REPLACE "-frtti" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}")
        set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fno-rtti")
    endif ()
endif () version GLIBCXX_3.4.30’ not found`

If you get an error like

ImportError: miniconda3/envs/loopy/bin/../lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found (required by loopy/loopy/loopy_mlir/_mlir_libs/

it means some library that you’re loading ( in this case) depends on a version of libstdc++ that you don’t have in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Either this means you just don’t have it on your system (in which case you need to install it or upgrade the version you do have) or the loader isn’t finding the correct In this case the loader is trying to use miniconda3/envs/loopylib/, which I can verify, indeed, isn’t up to date (only supports upto GLIBCXX_3.4.29):

strings /home/mlevental/miniconda3/envs/loopylib/ | grep GLIBCXX



The annoying thing is that I do have a sufficiently upto date on my system:

strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep GLIBCXX


but the loader isn’t picking that one. Most likely because conda rewrites the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Further complicating issue was that if I loaded some libraries in a different order (loading the _mlir python extension first before my own) the loader did find the right That means this is some issue of RPATH or RUNPATH (see here). You can debug this by using LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT=ldlog LD_DEBUG=all LD_BIND_NOT=1 (see below for more info on this) but the quick/dirty solution is just to upgrade in the environment:

conda install -c conda-forge libstdcxx-ng=12


Update submodules

Usual “workflow” when starting fresh is:

git fetch --all && git pull main && git submodule update --init --recursive

torch-mlir and pytorch version discrepancies

If you get something like this when trying to install the torch-mlir python packages

ERROR: Cannot install torch-mlir==0.0.1, torch==2.0.0.dev20230120 and torchvision==0.15.0.dev20230120+cpu because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.

The conflict is caused by:
    The user requested torch==2.0.0.dev20230120
    torchvision 0.15.0.dev20230120+cpu depends on torch
    torch-mlir 0.0.1 depends on torch==2.0.0.dev20230106

i.e., it seems like you have some weird circular dependency (you’re trying to install pytorch in order to install torch-mlir but torchvision depends on a version that’s different from the stated version depended on by torch-mlir), what’s happening is you already had pytorch installed at some point during the build process of torch-mlir (torch-mlir reads the version that it depends on from your current virtual environment). Solution: uninstall pytorch (pip uninstall torch torchvision) and reinstall torch-mlir like this

pip <whatever you're doing> --force-reinstall -f

(-f for “find links”, in order to find the right/needed version of pytorch and torchvision).

Minimal out-of-tree build

The default build is “in-tree” i.e., it builds LLVM at the same time as Torch-MLIR (just prior but you get it). If you have LLVM already built somewhere else you can build Torch-MLIR “out-of-tree”. The minimal CMake config for the LLVM build is something like

-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/mlevental/dev_projects/torch-mlir/llvm_install \
-DPython3_EXECUTABLE=/home/mlevental/dev_projects/torch-mlir/venv/bin/python \

Note LLVM_INSTALL_UTILS=ON is necessary for FileCheck and etc to be copied into the install bin directory but for some reason llvm-lit isn’t copied (Torch-MLIR uses these for its own testing).

Then the minimal CMake config for Torch-MLIR itself is something like


Note that the DPython3_EXECUTABLE should be the same in both CMakes.

Improving compile times

LLVM is huge, it’s gonna take a while to build/compile the first time, no way around it. Subsequent builds should be reasonable (unless you’re touching some header that’s included everywhere). You can improve things sometimes/a little.

Use ccache to cache compiled ~things

CMake and et al. already cache compiled objects (.as and .sos and etc.) but ccache does better (by caching at the translation unit or something like that?).

Install ccache using brew or apt-get or whatever and either set it globally to be your compiler (using its own .bashrc aliases) or (more robustly) pass these CMake flags:


Sometimes you need to flush the ccache cache (e.g., if you see linker errors about missing symbols): ccache -C.

Use a faster linker lld (or mold)

I.e., use a faster linker; lld is shipped with LLVM4 and mold is in various places. Then include these CMake flags:



Type and Context

Types are uniqued to the context they were created in; thus

error: 'arith.mulf' op requires the same type for all operands and results

even though

%3 = "arith.constant"() {value = 1.000000e+00 : f64} : () -> f64
%6 = "affine.load"(%4, %5, %5) {map = #map1} : (memref<10x10xf64>, index, index) -> f64
%7 = "arith.mulf"(%6, %3) : (f64, f64) -> f64

is because while %3 and %6 are the same “type”, they are not the same Type (because they were created, by my code, in different contexts).


  1. I am updating this as they occur to me (and adding/prepending at the top). 

  2. MLIR, Clang, Polly, etc. are LLVM “in-tree” projects that are enabled using -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=mlir;...

  3. Maybe it’s just all symbols aren’t available for symbol resolution? That’s what man dlopen seems to suggest regarding RTLD_GLOBAL vs. RTLD_LOCAL

  4. You can install a system version of LLVM (brew install llvm or apt-get install llvm), which will include clang, lldb, lld, etc., while working on llvm-project. You can also “bootstrap”, i.e., build clang (using gcc) and etc. from your current llvm-project source and then use those built binaries to continue to work on llvm-project. The former is probably the saner approach. Note that distro/brew releases of LLVM do not currently ship with MLIR (except on Fedora for some reason 🤷).