Counting and Radix sort

August 20, 2018

Two sorts that beat $ O \left(n\log n\right) $ complexity.

Counting sort

Just count how many of each integer between min and max appear in the array.

from collections import OrderedDict
def counting_sort(array):
    mmin, mmax = min(array), max(array)
    counts = OrderedDict([])
    for i in range(mmin, mmax):
        counts[i] = 0
    for a in array:
        counts[a] += 1
    sorted_array = []
    for i,c in counts.items():
        if c > 0: sorted_array.extend(c*[i])
    return sorted_array

Radix sort

Sort in a stable fashion by column

def radix_sort(nums, base=10):
    def to_buckets(nums, base, column):
        buckets = [[] for x in range(base)]
        for n in nums:
            digit = (n // base ** column) % base
            # 132 // 10 = 13; 13 % 10 = 3
    def to_list(buckets):
        numbers = []
        for b in buckets:
            for n in b:
    maxval = max(nums)
    i = 0
    while base ** i <= maxval:
        sorted_nums = to_list(
            to_buckets(nums, base, i)
    return sorted_nums

Complexity is clearly $ O\left(kn \right) $ where $k$ is “word width” and $n$ is the length of the array.